Admission Requirements for the Law Entrance Examination
  1. A person shall not be admitted to the sri Lanka Law college to qualify himself as an Attomey-At -law of the supreme court of sri Lanka unless such person -
    1. is a citizen of sri Lanka;
    2. has completed his seventeenth year of age at the time of making the application;and
    3. has submitted a certificate of good character acceptable to the Council.
  2. There shall be a General entrance examination or a special entrance examination as the case may be, conducted in respect of any year by the department of examinations of sri Lanka under the guidance of the council for the purpose of admitting students for a course of study at the sri Lanka Law college enabling such persons to qualify themselves as Attorneys-At-Law of the supreme court of sri Lanka as provided hereinunder.
  3. Any person who fulfils the requirements specified in sub rule (1) of this rule shall be eligible to submit an application to the sri Lanka Law college to sit the General entrance examination held in respect of any year, if such person,
    1. possesses the qualification of having obtained two credit passes and one simple pass at one and the same sitting at :-
      1. the Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the department of examinations; or
      2. the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination, United Kingdom; or
      3. any other Examination within the criteria of recognizing Advanced Level qualifications referred to in sub paragraphs (i) or (ii) of paragraph (a) of this sub rule as recommended by the department of examinations of sri Lanka; and
    2. possess a credit pass in the english Language and a credit pass in the sinhala or Tamil Language, obtained at the Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level ) Examination or National Certificate of General education examination or an examination recognized by the department of examinations of sri Lanka as equal to the above examinations.

Gazette baring No. 2208/13 - Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Issued by Incorporated Council of Legal Education. - Download